Wednesday, November 01, 2006

To avoid criicism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. ~`Elbert Hubbard-

I tend to not like criticism. I like to be right. For me, that doesn't happen very often. I always assume people are trying to put me down to get themselves up higher,( given time to think I know this is an angry irrational momentary thought.) or it just reminds me of what a slum of a person I can lower myself to being. A sinner. It isn't pretty being one.

I love my little brother. Today we went out and I raked lots of leaves. We made forts out of maple leaves,and I threw him into the big heaps we made. The supreme joy of him having fun, living in the moment made me think of how much I could be like this. I could enjoy what I have been given. I could take everything that comes forth and see how to make the best out of it. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. " Wayne Gretzky-
You learn by trying. Another one by Joseph Roux is "God often visits us, but most of the time we are not at home." Where are we? Then when it seems God is distant, I realize it was me all along.
The whole thought where my life revolves around what I do, what I want to be, what I go through, starts to feel sickening. If I follow God all will be fine. God looks at the heart of our actions. I think this sometimes means that if we do something because we believe it is right, and suppose it isn't, God will know and not put that against us. I don't know what this is called.

I need not worry, or fret. What is the worst that can be done to me since God is for me?

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