Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I found this- it is unbelievable. Last year. Oh my.
I just want to put it here as I am deleting everything.
(Katie, I forgot that you even read in here or that anyone knows about it, it seems so nice and quiet, and I like it. You have seen this before I think.)

It is 8pm, a clear Wednesday.
Our family has been busy, going to and frow.
Me, well I was dictating how I wanted things.
My mom wanting to be bratty woman right back at my bratty brother. [/mom words *solemn*]
Brother #3 leading a game compaign and talking in a Game programming chat room.
The other, brother #2, playing a 2-D PC game.
The bratty brother #4, tucked in bed-5 minutes previously-no longer in bed, laughing hysterically at a up-pulled bed cover.
My father, consuming a peanut butter sandwich after a busy work day-

- and it is decided, we need a family day.

We blare t.v. and all PCs volume to max. Turn on the radio. My lil brother is droned out to sleepiness, and goes to beauty kingdom, where Thomas the train awaits him.

Okay-so what now? Yeah, lets watch a movie-then we don't need to bore ourselves watching each other. There is only so many times we can see a person scratch like a monkey and think he is a missing link to the hypothesis of Evolution, and it is not like any of us believe that anyway.

So what can we do? Okay cards, lets play poker-get the peanuts -we are going to use them as money.
My word, I dislike salted peanuts, please win these distateful morsefuls from me, please.
Crap, I won, how did that happen?
I shall pawn them of on my teen brother.

SO. Now my butt hurts form sitting down. Yes. Lets go outside. Lets play hide in seek..

Wait! We need a weapon. So we can stab the person we found-oh hoo hoo. Yes. *gleams*
So this will be like Olly'Olly'Oxen-free. or whatever you call it.
Grabs #2 brother-we need his light saber.

Okay, who is it first? OH oh! PIck me pick me! I want the lightsaber!
....okay Adri is now it.
Lets go off. First we must kill the mom, oh yes.
Now, who next? The brother 2, he is too smart, slash( Yoda voice-'MAY the force be with you.')
Now dad-awe carpafish. He is safe. Okay so where is 3 brother? Hmm. Oh! there he is. IN a tree-barefooted? IN the dark?? Crazy brother.
Chase-all through back yard. Run through a fence-hear a funny sound. Umm..What was that??
Tag brother. Kill him with lightsaber.
Brother has a gash in chest 3 inches long, 1/3rd cent deep. Ouch!
MY fault. I chased him into the fence with a pointy edge.

Okay, now what? It is only like 10pm.
Brother #2!!! We need your other lightsaber-!!! The Luke Skywalker one!

Yes yes! Lets go into the front yard.
Okay, so how you play is just start lightsaber battling and if a body part is hit, you no longer have it. SO if a arm is slashed. You can no onger use it.

Mom style-Stick lightsaber away from body as far as possible and try to block attacks.
Dad style- wack uncontrollably like a insane man. IN downward motion, don't look just keep slashing, You'll win eventually.
Bro 2 style- slow tactics, grab lightsaber, walk off with it-it's yours anyway
Bro 3 style- I know what I am doing-heck yes. I pwn. 3 minutes and I win. You die.
Adri style- Pretend to be Kenobi-slightly succesfully, and beat everyone but 3rd bro and then fall in dirt.

Doing this in the front yard is great. There is about 15 neighbors houses nearby.
Let them see what we are made of. Yes.

What are you people doing?
Oh, well just playing. It is very fun.
*slashes in background*

*Puzzled look*
Um, see ya.

So next time it was war with these flags. We run around victorously with these Chilliwackian flags.
No one beats us, oh yeah. We are so cool.

NO one agrees. Heck no one else wants to say anything.


Katie+ said...

Yes - I remember that post. I liked it. It made me smile and laugh.

What do you mean deleting everything? You alright?

We need to have a good chat once the weekend is here. I'm concerned hun. *hugs* and love.

Anonymous said...

I am confused.