Friday, December 08, 2006

Cowards falter, but danger is often overcome by those who nobly dare.

Wow, I haven't sone one of these for so long. This is what happens with feeling sick and staying at home.

Current, exact Location: At my parents house.
Temperature: 20 degrees
People around are: Brother
Music playing: Tech-9
Weather is like: Dark, it is night.
Day: Friday
Date: December 8th
Year: 2006Time: 11pm soon
Mood: I am pretty sick. I can't speak much without coughing and squeaking.
= You =
Your most popular name is: Adri, Adrianna (Die if you use.)

Race: Caucasian Ethnic background: Native, Croation, English, Scottish, Italian.

How old are you? 18
When were you born? On my birthday.
Your starsign is: N/A
Most known qualities of this starsign: .....
Can you be stereotyped? Yes. Sadly.
Describe your dress style: Comfortable, and um basic. Sporty.
Favourite item of clothing: This dress I recently bought.
Most worn item of clothing: My long brown sweater.
Currently wearing: L.e.i Jeans, Dock shirt
Make up wearing: Eyeliner( green forest) and plum coloured lip gloss.
Jewellery wearing: Stud earrings and Necklace with heart on it.
Favourite item of jewellery: My dove cross.
Any distinguishing features? My eyes I have been told, and my nose (in my mind)
Height: 5'6''
Eye colour: Dark
Hair colour: It is naturally black.
Hair style: Wavy, layered in front.
Hair length: mid-long.
Scars: Too many to want to count or think about.
Any disabilities? Whatever that means. Maybe.
Glasses/contacts? No
Can you drive? I have a license to drive, some people don't like driving with me. They fear for their lives.
Pasttimes: Reading, writing, going on the computer, watching movies, working out
You love: Many people.
You hate: Frustration. Lots of stuff.
Friends: Yes. (don't count my friends)
Online friends:Yes. ^^
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No,
You as a person: I am me. I am seen a little as disturbed but concerned for many. I tend to care too much.
Your words/phrases: Oh," "Oh my word."
Your phone is: Crap. Actually I just killed the screen. I hucked it into a corner, thinking it was totally toast then realized I was broke and needed a phone and saw I could still at least talk to people, except I am stuck with having 'Dare you to Move" as a ring tone, and not being able to text message. *whines*
Your room is: Green. Most people like it. It is small too. I like small rooms.
Describe your house and its surroundings: Blue House surrounded by simaliar housing. Village/town/city: .....I actually don't live in a town...*grins*.. so a village? But..I do live in a City.

House number: I don't share that openly.
= Family =Parents: yes
Stepparents: 0
Sibling/s: 5
Step-siblings: 1
Pets: 4
You live with: the 'rents
Grandparents: 2 grandmothers 2grandfathers.
First cousins: 8First auntie/uncles: 8
Mothers age and starsign: 37
Fathers age and starsign: I don't really want to share.
Siblings age and starsign: 1,4,15,16,26 (Who really cares about their starsign here? )
Your mother looks like: A Goddess. She thinks she is beautiful herself.
Your father looks like: A man who married a Goddess
Your sibling looks like: Not me. I have a good looking family or else the possibility of looking good. I love my whole family.
You get on best with: My mother, and my brother=16 years.=
Relationships, of any kind =
Best friend: I don't exactly have a best friend. I have a few very close friends. I don't tend to share my deepest thoughts, with anyone usually.
Friends: LOTS
Work friends: 30. At least they like me. Ones I stay in contact outside of work is about 6
Most fun: Going out with friends, family, travelling, bugging guys can be lots of fun. Mountain biking, Kick boxing, Trying to dance well. ;)- Oh! friend! Ah- Dave- he is fun to do boring stuff with.
Funniest: I would say Dave again, but I guess other then him I would say Brian
Best laugh: Holly.
Best hair: Melissa
Best voice: Vanessa
Best vocabulary: Nathan
Smartest: they are all smart in their own waysMost ignorant: i don't hang out with ignorant people I would like to say..and I wouldn't share who it was if I did. I myself can be very ignorant Deep conversations with: Katherine, Dave,
You see most often:Anne
You hang out with: I don't usually hang out with one person a whole lot more then another.
You drink with: My family actually. My family is insane
You talk most with: My mom.
Shares most in common with: Actually..I don't know. It is odd.
Shares your humour: Dave. haha. I go on about him. If he wasn't married .... *grins*
Most miserable: How can anyone be miserable if I'M in their life? Actually I couldn't share.
Genres for movies: Action, Science Fiction, Semi-horror- Comedy, and yes, Chick Flicks.
Actresses: ..Leelee Sobieski
Actors: Patrick Stewart, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley
Last movie watched: Like Heaven
You are creative in what ways: I can not write very well. If preformance is the key, I do alright, but I do not outstand.
Last proper novel read: Jane Eyre
Favourite novels: Portait of a Lady, Pride and Predjudice, Lord of the Rings, David Copperfield
Favourite authors: Jane Austen, , JRR Tolkein, Charles Dickens
Favourite childhood novels: The Chronicles of Narnia, anything by Roald Dahl, Anne of Green Gables.
= Love =
Marital status: SingleBoyfriend/girlfriend: No
In love with: the feeling, but that is all.
How much and why: Because I am attracted to this guy, and that is how it sometimes starts
Are you romantic? Yes.
Romantic songs: I haven't found my favourite one yet.
Other/Misc =Can you draw? Yes, not wonderfully, but nicely.
Colours: Green
Shampoo/conditioner: Citre Shine.
Hair products: I don't use many, but it usually is Citre shine products for everything
Hair dye: Salon dyes all the way. My hair damages too easily.
Single/double bed: I just switched for a futon! Lovely pine one.
Furniture: Too lazy..a couch etc.
Email: I love getting e-mails! *want's e-mails*
S/N AIM: Yes.
Internet servers: Firefox, Explorer, and something else that I forget the name of.
Colour curtains: dark green
Colour carpet: pine flooring
Colour duvets: blue.
Pillows: blue, green, red, white
Favourite way of insulting: Sadly by being sarcastic
Pubs: I have only been in a couple pubs (that where you need to be legal drinking age.) I think it is overated personally. (I shouldn't of went in anyway.)
Restaurants: Mexican, Greek, Indian.
Take out: Dairy Queen
Healthy food: Ono's. Sort of.
Junk food: Skittles and Chocolate and sherbert and Gelato! (naniamo bars.) Dessert food.
Meals: Dinner is usually my favuorite meal.
Breakfast: Yogurt
Animals: I love all animals.
Religion: Raised in World Wide Church- now 'non-denominational' in words but not in character.
Veggie/carnivore: I'd chop of a chickens head..
Subjects in school: Math, Science
Way of affection: Hugs.

= Last time =
Showered: Today
Bathed: Last week
Cleaned teeth: This afternoonBrushed hair: 2 hours ago.
Listened to music: RIght now Justin Timberlake *dies* My brother likes him.
Watched a movie: last night
Wrote a letter: I wrote 3 today
.Received a letter: Yesterday
Wrote an email: today
Received an email: this morning
Spoke to someone: About 1/2 an hour ago
Said what: ''Ut aw ya istnen ou?
Sang: Can not sing. Voice is not working. I feel horrible.
Walked in the rain: A couple days ago. I love rain.
Felt unwell: Right now I could use some sympathy. ;)
Danced: Last night
Got drunk: Mother's Day. Not totally loaded but I was pretty out. fatigue and alcohol don't do well That day was so insane. IT was not a good day- the next day especially.
Ate food, and what: Last thing I ate was a mandarin orange
Went to a Gig: A while!
Watched TV: Not for a few days. Actually
Argued: This morning.
Talked to someone online: I don't really like talking to people online much these days..blocking people is very handy.
Said I love you,: To my brother when he hugged me when I went to tuck him in.


Hans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hans said...

This is what I said:


Surveys are good stuff. I now know all manner of whatnot about you I wouldn't have otherwise.
