Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

Okay خسخ ÷ شةam going to talk like I do when really not feeling well. Today was crappy. I felt like shit the entire day. What the hell is wrong with me? Some days go so well and everything looks dandy. I look in the mirror, my eyes are bloodshot and I want to scream at life. I have life pretty good too, so I shouldn't complian either. It just sucks and I really, really want everyone to leave me alone and stop seeing me the way I am in their opinions because that is not who I am. I am an ass hole but I don't want people to think that because I don't want to be one. I know, I contradict myself. That is because I want to be thought well of without having to do anything to make myself deserve who I am. It makes me really question my beliefs,and see that I have a lot of double standards. "Why the fuck do I give advice anywayز

آخ ةخقث فاهىلس ساخعمي لاث حقثسعةثي فخ ثءهسف فاشى شقث شلاسخمعفثمغ ىثؤشسسشقغز

أثمح ’ث لأ×]!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Live 4 - I want you.

I love that song by Savage Garden. I was thinking over the time and how today being New Years Day. I have no resolutions except to study
feverishly this upcoming semester.
Yesterday went well, I drank too much wine though. I have a slight headache. I didn't even start drinking until after 12am. *gah* I had the wonderful opportunity to see some people I hadn't had the chance to since the summer and we all seperated for school or work. It was splendid to see them again. The work on my vocabulary helped exceedingly. *smile*
I was going through the pictures I took in 2006. I am not one to take amazing pictures, but I do love these ones. I took them as the sun was coming up. I like seeing the change as it happened.